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House of Commons Invite for the Scottish Football Museum

Scottish Football Museum Curator Richard McBrearty has been invited to a special event in the House of Commons tomorrow (July 8).

The Heritage Lottery Fund is holding the Parliamentary reception to showcase community projects funded by the HLF, marking the Centenary and exploring the heritage of the First World War.

The Museum, based in Hampden Park, is currently hosting a Football and First World War exhibition. This project conserved and made available for display the Colour (Flag) of the 16th Service Battalion, Royal Scots, who were more famously known as McCrae’s Battalion. It has been an excellent collaboration as the owners of the Colour (the Royal Scots Museum at Edinburgh Castle) have kindly consented for the historic artefact to stay with the Scottish Football Museum for as long as it remains on public display.

The Battalion included footballers from several Scottish clubs.

The HLF is funding hundreds of projects across the United Kingdom based on the conflict and the Scottish Football Museum is one of just seven invited to London for the event.

Chair of the Scottish Football Museum Robert Craig commented: “The invitation is testament to the hard work of all the Museum staff involved.  I am delighted with the recognition and delighted for everyone involved with the Museum.”

Stewart McDonald, MP for Glasgow South said:

“It is important that we remember the impact of this war, one hundred years on. I am particularly pleased for the Scottish Football Museum, a wonderful attraction within my constituency”.

The Heritage Lottery Fund has made an additional £4million available in 2015/2016 for communities looking to explore, conserve and share local heritage of the First World War. Grants are available between £3,000 and £10,000. This new money will help even more people get involved and explore a greater range of stories surrounding the Battle of the Somme which took place 100 years ago next year.

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