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Who Would be in Your Team?

To help recollection and to aid these conversations, we are producing a series of photographic cards of some of the best footballers to play for Scotland between 1946 and 1978. This will be an invaluable resource in our sessions and also for small groups in day centres or care homes.

However, we need help with the funding. If you are part of, or know of a business that could assist with the funding necessary to produce this resource, please get in touch with the Football Reminiscence Project here – or

The Football Reminiscence Project is also inviting supporters to nominate their top 10 players for each position in the old 2-3-5 formation. Again, the players chosen must have played for Scotland between 1946 and 1978.

“The cards are not just about memory, but enabling people to feel part of something, being able to contribute to a discussion and communicating with others,” said Robert Craig, the chairman of the Scottish Football Museum Trust.

Michael White, Alzheimer Scotland’s Football Reminiscence Project manager added: “Without cards like this, the discussions would be difficult to start and structure. The real debates are triggered off by comparing the pictures of the different players. I remember we had a brilliant, passionate discussion about John Cumming and Dave McKay of Hearts and neither of the two advocates would give ground. It’s the picture that brings the memory back.”

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